Two teachers working on computers.

Professional Learning

Deepen your expertise with the Fishtank curriculum through interactive learning opportunities

Explore the curriculum with the team that wrote it

At Fishtank Learning, we believe that engaging teachers in ongoing learning, building their capacity to adapt curriculum with integrity, and trusting them to make the right decisions for their students will result in the best teaching and learning.

We build professional learning experiences that are rooted in curriculum, content and research, and enable teachers to leave with planning strategies they can put into practice right away. Our PL services have been vetted and certified by Rivet Education for their Professional Learning Partner Guide.

Dive into one of the subjects below to learn more.


Three teachers looking at a computer screen and smiling.

Ready to get started?

Let us know what kind of professional learning experience you’re looking for and our school partnerships team will be in touch to help start the planning process.

Our PL Guiding Principles

These three guiding principles inform our vision for the structure and content of our professional learning offerings.

Rooted in Curriculum, Content, and Research

Good professional learning, like high-quality curriculum, is aligned to education research. Because our curricular materials are standards aligned and engage students in rigorous learning opportunities, our professional learning helps educators develop the key instructional practices necessary for effective adoption. We pull in the most up-to-date research on instructional moves and best practices that support student learning and help facilitate teacher growth.

Connected to the Classroom

Fishtank professional learning is designed to be an actionable resource that supports educators as they implement our student-centered curriculum. Throughout our sessions, we focus on intellectual preparation, a practice that equips teachers to tailor the curriculum to meet the needs of their students and ensure equitable access points. During sessions, teachers learn about planning processes and instructional routines to support their implementation, and they are given opportunities to meaningfully practice or implement the session's learnings.

Prioritizing Teacher Growth

Our sessions teach educators how to deeply internalize the curriculum's content and standards before beginning a new course, unit, or lesson. They also provide the space for teachers to learn from and collaborate with other educators, and receive feedback from both peers and session facilitators. We encourage and challenge our participants to learn new ways to prepare for their teaching practice, promoting both their own growth and the growth of their students.


Overall, the content and trajectory of the content was fantastic! It truly helped me better understand the curriculum and the "why" behind the design. Not only that, but I left with concrete tools on "how" to best implement, which I always appreciate.

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See all of the features of Fishtank in action and begin the conversation about adoption.

Learn more about Fishtank Learning School Adoption.

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