Professional Learning for Math

Fishtank Math Launch Professional Learning

Set your teachers up for success as they begin their work with Fishtank Math. Fishtank PL prioritizes interactive experiences designed to leverage teachers’ expertise and their unique knowledge of their students, and share strategies that they can put to use right away in the classroom.

Our Launch series provides onboarding support for teachers who are new to the curriculum, building a build a strong foundation for 3rd–8th grade teachers implementing Fishtank Math.

Module 1: Introduction to Fishtank Math

Dive into the design decisions behind Fishtank Math and learn where to find all the key elements of the curriculum.

Module 2: Planning for a Fishtank Math Unit

Explore the importance of intellectually preparing to teach a unit and learn a step-by-step process to do so.

Module 3: Internalizing a Fishtank Math Lesson

Learn to identify the different components of a Fishtank Math lesson and a step-by-step process for preparing to teach a lesson.

Module 4: Supporting Just-in-Time Instruction

Explore strategies to weave in just-in-time review and practice with foundational content, while ensuring students spend the majority of time in grade-level instruction.

NEW On-Demand PL with Train the Trainer Support

School partners can unlock Fishtank Math Launch PL in a convenient on-demand platform that teachers can access for the full school year. We pair this with train-the-trainer support for instructional leaders and coaches, to systematically build capacity with the Fishtank Math resources.

This format offers the flexibility to facilitate Fishtank PL in the format and at a pace that works for your unique context!


I found it so helpful to learn more about the Guiding Principles behind Fishtank Math. Learning to navigate the resources and videos was also incredibly valuable.

Teachers smiling and working together on a computer

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