It's that time of year when the school day can feel interminable. It doesn't help that it might be dark when you get to school AND when you leave. Winter break is in sight for both students and teachers, and it can make everyone a little stir crazy.
We polled the Fishtank staff who shared some of the little wins they like to celebrate to get through those final schooldays of December. Here's our countdown to winter break:
15. Mesmerizing students with your holiday classroom decor.
14. Leaving a positive voicemail with a parent and seeing the student come in beaming the next day.

13. When it all clicks for the first time and a student begins to understand something that has been difficult all year.
12. Continuing the spirit of Thanksgiving by writing down one thing you're grateful for about each of your students. Even if you don't share it with students, it encourages you to see every student's assets. If you do, you might get some wonderful responses in return!
11. Grading just one stack of papers that you've been putting off for a while.

10. Incentivizing focus with something fun like donuts. Hand out raffle tickets for the positive academic behavior you see and raffle the treats off at the end of the day.
9. Cheering on your students in a winter performance or sporting event they're participating in. You might be amazed at the range of their skills and interests!

8. Attendance! Everyone here one day? Two days? Three days in a row? That's a win.
7. Hearing a student give a spot-on explanation—bonus if it's to another student!

6. Nailing a parent-teacher conference that you were worried about.
5. Making it an entire week without spilling your coffee or mismatching your socks.

4. When a student who usually forgets their homework actually remembers it!

3. Taking a weeknight off from planning and grading to engage in some holiday festivities or self-care.
2. When a student falls in love with a chapter book series and begs you for more.

1. Getting a hug and "I'll miss you!" before leaving for vacation.