Short Stories

Students read three masterful works of fiction by Sherman Alexie, Karen Russell and Alice Walker, and practice skills, habits, and routines that will be used regularly in the high school classroom.



Unit 6

9th Grade

This unit has been archived. To view our updated curriculum, visit our 9th Grade English course.

Unit Summary

Short Stories has been archived. You are welcome to use the resources here, but there are no Fishtank Plus features offered within this unit. If you’d like to implement one of our complete Fishtank Plus units, including all in-lesson and unit-specific Plus features, check out 9th Grade ELA.

This short introductory unit serves as the bridge between middle school and high school literature courses. In this unit of study, students will practice skills, habits, and routines that will be used on a regular basis in the high school classroom: vocabulary practice, close reading, annotating text, collaborative conversation, and evidence-based writing. These skills will be developed and honed as students read three masterful works of short fiction. Simultaneously, students will review essential literary skills and concepts they have learned in middle school and apply them to ninth grade-level texts.

The year will begin with the “How to Fight Monsters” chapter from Sherman Alexie’s novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian.  This chapter follows the protagonist, Junior, through his first day at his new off-reservation school as he struggles to understand the social norms and expectations in this foreign environment. Students will investigate the author’s craft, examining the techniques Alexie uses to characterize Junior and develop the theme of identity.

Students will then work to further develop close reading and annotating skills as they examine St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves, a contemporary short story by Karen Russell. The story is structured around a handbook that describes various stages of adapting to a new culture, with powerful advanced vocabulary, and strongly developed young characters who struggle to adapt in this strange new setting. The complex text and thematic treatment of identity make the story particularly appropriate as one of the first high school texts that students encounter. As students read, discuss, and write about the text, they will again examine how the author’s deliberate choices, such as text structure and diction, create character, meaning, and theme. Students will practice taking a thematic topic (like “identity”) and developing it into a theme statement that reveals the author’s message on the thematic topic. (Some of the concepts and questions from this portion of the unit have been adapted from Engage New York Module 9.1.)

Finally, students will read Alice Walker’s powerful short story, Roselily. In this very brief story, Walker creates a complex characterization of the narrator, Roselily, a young woman who jumps into marriage with a man she barely knows, who is of a different faith and who is from a faraway city. Her desperate attempt to abandon her past and start fresh develops the thematic topic of identity that is echoed in all three stories.

At Match, students have a Composition class 4 days per week in addition to English class. Below, we have included Supplementary Composition Projects to reflect the material covered in our Composition course.  For teachers who are interested in including these Composition Projects but do not have a separate Composition course, we have included a “Suggested Placement” to note where these projects would most logically fit into the English unit. While the Composition Projects may occasionally include content unrelated to English 9, most have both a skill and content connection to the work students are doing in their English 9 class.

In the literature lessons of this unit, students read several short works of fiction focused on the theme of identity. While not explicitly tied to any of the works of short fiction in the English 9 unit, the supplementary Composition Projects are tied to the theme of identity and develop some of the same skills the students will need to be successful on the writing portion of the Unit 1assessment. All of the Composition Projects in this brief unit are narrative pieces, but the focus on selecting evidence and providing context for that evidence is the same skill students will use in the literary analysis writing in the English 9 unit. While not recorded as an area of focus in the project descriptions below, a focus on using advanced vocabulary could also be very smoothly woven into these projects. The emphasis on analyzing diction and on mastering new and complex vocabulary in the English unit could be reinforced in the Composition Projects by requiring students to use some of the vocabulary in their writing. Words that would be particularly applicable to the writing projects are bewildered, inevitable, assimilation, and latent. The concept of culture shock could also be referenced by students in “The Snare” essay. The writing focus areas of this unit come directly from the “Proficient” column of the Match High School composition rubric rows for Thesis, Evidence, Explanation, and Revision. 

Texts and Materials

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Core Materials

Supporting Materials


These assessments accompany Unit 6 and should be given on the days suggested in the Lesson Map. Additionally, there are formative and creative assessments integrated into the unit to prepare students for the Performance Task.

Content Assessment

The Content Assessment tests students' ability to read a "cold" or unfamiliar passage and answer multiple choice and short answer questions. Additionally, a longer writing prompt pushes students to synthesize unit content knowledge or unit essential questions in writing. The Content Assessment should be used as the primary assessment because it shows mastery of unit content knowledge and standards.

Unit Prep

Intellectual Prep

  1. Read and annotate the three short stories with the essential questions in mind.
  2. Consider the essential questions in light of the stories. How would you answer them? Also, consider possible sub-questions that students should investigate/debate to deepen their answers.
  • Who or what defines who we are? Can each individual decide and shape his or her own identity
    • Do I decide and create who I am? What are the limits to that? What role do family, friends, teachers, past experiences, and societal expectations play in defining who I am? What else defines me?
  • How does an author create character and develop theme?
    • What techniques do we see all three authors using? What variety do we see amongst them?
  1. Read and annotate the two paired texts.
  2. Consider possible connections between the paired non-fiction texts and the short stories.
  3. Take the exam and write your mastery response to the essay portion of the exam.
  4. Read and annotate paired composition projects.

Essential Questions

  • Who or what defines who we are? Can each individual decide and shape his or her own identity?
  • How does an author create character and develop theme?

Writing Focus Areas

English Lessons Writing Focus Areas

It is the beginning of the year and we are introducing 9th grade levels of rigor for the three standards listed below, all of which are spiraled from 8th grade. Below are the three rows of the rubric that are the focus areas for this unit. Assess students relative to the "proficient" column of our Composition Writing Rubric.

  • Thesis: Clear and Relevant
  • Evidence: Draws relevant evidence to support topic
  • Diction: Uses some advanced vocabulary

Composition Projects Writing Focus Areas

Students will begin the unit by working on a process writing piece about “The Freshman Snare,” in which they will work on all the Writing Focus Areas listed below. The second project is an on demand piece in which students will show their progress on the first three Writing Focus Areas. In general, on demand pieces do not allow for the in-depth revisions possible during a process writing project. Assess students relative to the "proficient" column of our Composition Writing Rubric.

  • Thesis: Includes a clear and relevant thesis statement
  • Analysis: Demonstrates clear and logical reasoning
  • Evidence: Draws relevant evidence to support position
  • Professionally Revised: Complete and follows guidelines; adequate revisions


Literary Terms

text features, epigraph, diction, characterization, conflict, theme, narrator, point of view, evidence, juxtaposition, diction, tone

Roots and Affixes

in-, re-, super-, bi- [bilingual (227), bipedal (230)], lukos-/lupos-, anthropos-


Absolutely True Diary: betray (55), translucent (56)

"St. Lucy’s": couth (225), remedied (225), agitation (226), ostracized (227), exultant (227), menacing(229), bewildered (229), taunt (230), latent (231), inability (236), ferocity (237), rehabilitated (246)

"Roselily": superficial, usurped, inevitable

Other: assimilation (thematically tied)

Idioms and Cultural References

Absolutely True Diary: crucifixion (55), “the rez” (56), “fisticuffs” (61)

"St. Lucy’s": lycanthropic, boarding school, culture shock, “backwoods” (226), “apiary” (226), “purgatory” (227), “naturalized citizens” (227), “Caramba!” (231), “wolf in sheep’s clothing” (232), “catechism” (233), “the Charleston” (237), sotto voce (240), “the Sausalito” (241), “prosciutto” (246)

"Roselily": “Dearly Beloved…” (1), “covered head” (1), “cinder” (1), “yoke” (2)

Content Knowledge and Connections

Students will become familiar with the concept of “culture shock” as well as biculturalism.

Future Fishtank ELA Connections

  • The discussions of race, culture, and identity in this unit will build a foundation for 9th Grade ELA - The Bluest Eye, in which students will continue to investigate the impact of societal expectations on individual identity, through the lens of race and beauty in American society.

Lesson Map

Composition Projects


2 days


Beginning high school often means starting at a new school, adapting to different expectations, and adjusting to new teachers, students, and ways of doing things. Like someone adjusting to life in a new culture, students beginning high school can experience some culture shock. 

Based on the article “The Four Stages of Culture Shock” and your experience in your first week or so of this year, in which stage of culture shock would you place yourself? Explain using evidence from both the article and your experiences.

An effective essay:

  • includes a clear, relevant, and complete thesis statement;
  • demonstrates clear and logical reasoning; and
  • draws relevant evidence to support position and provide context.



Common Core Standards

Core Standards


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Short Stories
Lesson 1

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