Lord of the Flies

Students read and discuss William Golding's classic novel Lord of the Flies along with several non-fiction articles and poems, debating the question of the fundamental goodness/evil of human beings.



Unit 10

9th Grade

This unit has been archived. To view our updated curriculum, visit our 9th Grade English course.

Unit Summary

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William Golding’s classic novel, Lord of the Flies, will serve as the central novel of this unit. Students will also read a number of non-fiction articles, poems, and short pieces of fiction that investigate the human condition. A quotation from William Golding—“Look out. The evil is in all of us.”—acts as the central question of the unit, with students debating his statements about human nature and considering their positions on the fundamental goodness/evilness of human beings. Some of the thematic topics addressed are: the nature of evil, survival, order versus chaos and loss of innocence. 

This novel is written in a more archaic style than that of the other novels read this year. Exposure to unfamiliar phrases, expressions, and sentence structures will strengthen students’ abilities to tackle unfamiliar archaic texts in the future. Additionally, the ways in which Golding draws on biblical stories and allusions will be an area of focus, as will interpreting Golding’s use and development of symbols to convey meaning. The symbolic significance of the forest, ocean, conch, fire, “littluns,” smoke, glasses and the “Beast” will be investigated throughout the unit.

As the end of the year approaches, it is crucial that students get more practice independently analyzing and drawing conclusions from literature. As such, much of the reading should be done independently, with the teacher monitoring annotations and intervening only when absolutely necessary—checking less for the basic “what’s happening” and more for the “so what?” or “what does this mean?”

Major symbols: forest, huts, ocean, conch, “littluns”, fire, smoke, glasses, “Beast”, “Lord of the Flies”

At Match, students have a Composition class 4 days per week in addition to English class. Below, we have included Supplementary Composition Projects to reflect the material covered in our Composition course. For teachers who are interested in including these Composition Projects but do not have a separate Composition course, we have included a “Suggested Placement” to note where these projects would most logically fit into the English unit. While the Composition Projects may occasionally include content unrelated to English 9, most have both a skill and content connection to the work students are doing in their English 9 class.

In the literature lessons of this unit, students will analyze Lord of the Flies as well as a variety of poems and articles. While there are many thematic topics woven throughout the unit and novel, these supplemental Composition Projects will focus on the question that seems to be at the heart of the novel - are human beings fundamentally good or fundamentally evil? Students will write one literary analysis essay based on the novel and two narrative pieces that are thematically connected. In all three cases, students will focus on the same writing focus areas. These areas are mostly spiraling from the earlier units, providing students with opportunities to apply their writing skills to new projects. For the final essay, students will be asked to integrate evidence from at least two sources.

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Texts and Materials

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Core Materials


These assessments accompany Unit 10 and should be given on the days suggested in the Lesson Map. Additionally, there are formative and creative assessments integrated into the unit to prepare students for the Performance Task.

Content Assessment

The Content Assessment tests students' ability to read a "cold" or unfamiliar passage and answer multiple choice and short answer questions. Additionally, a longer writing prompt pushes students to synthesize unit content knowledge or unit essential questions in writing. The Content Assessment should be used as the primary assessment because it shows mastery of unit content knowledge and standards.

Unit Prep

Intellectual Prep

  1. Read and annotate the novel with the key thematic questions in mind.
  2. Consider both key thematic questions and all of the possible sub-questions that students might pose or grapple with: Are human beings fundamentally good or evil? What makes a society functional/dysfunctional? What is the relationship between order and chaos?
  3. Read and annotate all paired texts.
  4. Take the unit exam and write a draft response to the essay prompt.

Essential Questions

  • Are human beings fundamentally good or fundamentally evil?
  • What makes a society functional? Dysfunctional?
  • What is the relationship between order and chaos? (The words civilization and savagery could be substituted for order and chaos if desired.)
  • How does an author use symbolism and allusion to convey theme?

Writing Focus Areas

English Lessons Writing Focus Areas

The suggested writing focus for this unit is the writing of clear and complex thesis statements and introductions that are then supported throughout the essay. If students have mastered this skill or the data is revealing another crucial area of focus, the teacher may choose to amend this suggested focus area.

  • There are no specific narrative assignments prescribed in this unit plan. For homework or as a Do Now, the teacher should include assignments that ask students to rewrite specific episodes of the text from a particular character’s perspective.
  • In addition to the focus on the thesis and introduction portions of our Composition Writing Rubric, this unit should include spiraled review of relevant and specific evidence as well as diction portions of the rubric.

Composition Projects Writing Focus Areas

Students will write a mix of literary analysis and narrative pieces in this unit, applying the writing skills they have practiced throughout the year. 

  • Thesis: Includes a clear and relevant thesis statement 
  • Analysis: Demonstrates clear and logical reasoning
  • Evidence: Draws relevant evidence to support position 
  • Diction: Uses advanced and specific vocabulary 
  • Professionally Revised: Complete and follows guidelines. Adequate revisions


Literary Terms

allegory, dystopia, theme, symbol, dramatic irony, irony, power dynamics, allusion, conflict, archetype

Roots and Affixes

in-, multi-


apprehension (11), specious (11), immersed (13), obscure (22), mirage (14), clamor (22), ascent (26), incredulous (29), enmity (14), eccentric (19), rational (36), martyr (38), errant (38), incompetence (40), subside (41), inscrutable (49 and 177), primitive (49), assented (42), furtive (49), tirade (45), conditioned (62), timid (63), tacit (65), resent (72), reverence (78), contempt (85) and contemptuously (101), relentless (101), oppressive ( 102), exasperation ( 102), antagonism (118), infuriating (121), diminishing ( 123), indignant (128), assurance (129), assured (132), dreadful (135), sufficiency (141), misguided ( 143), intersperse (146), inaudible (153), gesticulating/gestures (156 and 157), composite (166), luminous (169 and 174), timidly (171), multitudinous (173), incantation (180), inimical (187), ululation/ululating ( 189 and 191), scorched (202)

Idioms and Cultural References

“Lord of the Flies”; a wave of fear, closed circuit, storm of laughter, piggy in the middle

Content Knowledge and Connections

Having general background knowledge on World War II and the destruction caused by this war will serve as a useful backdrop for students’ understanding of this text.

Lesson Map

Composition Projects

Common Core Standards

Core Standards


Read Next

Lord of the Flies
Lesson 1

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