Unit Materials for 3rd Grade English Language Arts

Explore the texts and supporting materials used in each unit of 3rd Grade English Language Arts.

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Defining Identity: Dyamonde Daniel and My Name is María Isabel

Core Texts

Supporting Texts

Rediscovering Thanksgiving: Fact vs. Fiction

Core Texts

Supporting Texts

Passing Down Wisdom: Hispanic and African American Folktales

Core Texts

Understanding the Animal Kingdom

Core Texts

Supporting Texts

Embracing Difference: The Hundred Dresses and Garvey's Choice

Core Texts

Honoring Indigenous Peoples

Core Texts

Supporting Texts

Exploring Ancient Civilizations: Rome

Core Texts

Supporting Texts

Discovering Mythology: Roman Myths

Core Texts

Supporting Texts

The Power of Friendship: Charlotte's Web

Core Texts

  • Book: Charlotte's Web by E.B. White (HarperCollins Publishers, 2012)   —  680L

Supporting Texts

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