
English Language Arts

3rd Grade

3rd Grade ELA Course Summary

In 3rd Grade English Language Arts, students explore what it means to accept ourselves and others, and learn about cultures and civilizations that may be different from their own. Students build their social-emotional skills in Defining Identity and Embracing Differences, learn about the history and contributions of Indigenous People in Rediscovering Thanksgiving and Honoring Indigenous Peoples, uncover the power of storytelling in Passing Down Wisdom, and explore how living things interact with their environment in Understanding the Animal Kingdom. In each unit, students engage in process-based writing projects connected to the core texts that develop their narrative, informational, and opinion writing skills.

Using authentic, engaging texts, teachers help students develop their language comprehension and address grade-level reading, writing, language, and speaking and listening standards. Over the course of 3rd Grade ELA, students deepen their understanding of the world around them through thematically-aligned, knowledge-building units, embedded daily writing instruction, and frequent opportunities for in-class discussion.

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Recommended Sequence

Unit 1

22 Lessons

Defining Identity: Dyamonde Daniel and My Name is María Isabel

Students explore the concept of identity and what makes a person who they are by reading the core texts Make Way for Dyamonde Daniel and My Name is María Isabel.

Unit 2

24 Lessons

Rediscovering Thanksgiving: Fact vs. Fiction

Students learn about the Pilgrims and the first Massachusetts colonies, including why the Pilgrims came to the New World, their relationship with the Native peoples, and the truth behind the first Thanksgiving.

Unit 3

24 Lessons

Passing Down Wisdom: Hispanic and African American Folktales

Students explore the power of oral storytelling in African-American and Hispanic cultures through folktales that have been passed down within families and communities for generations.

Unit 4

23 Lessons

Understanding the Animal Kingdom

Students explore the relationship between living things and their environment, and how the environment can impact a species' ability to survive, while referring to the text to ask and answer questions.

Unit 5

29 Lessons

Embracing Difference: The Hundred Dresses and Garvey's Choice

Students explore acceptance of themselves and others in order to start discussions about bullying, tolerance, acceptance, and forgiveness, and focus on identifying the central message in a longer text.

Unit 6

18 Lessons

Honoring Indigenous Peoples

Students learn about Indigenous peoples and their history, including investigating Indigenous Nations and Indigenous changemakers, and build an understanding that Indigenous peoples have always been and remain an important part of our country.

Alternate Units

Alternate Unit 2

21 Lessons

Exploring Ancient Civilizations: Rome

Students explore the rise and fall of the ancient Roman Empire and Roman civilization, its various leaders, routines, and rituals while practicing multiple informational reading strategies.

Alternate Unit 3

22 Lessons

Discovering Mythology: Roman Myths

Students read, discuss and analyze a collection of Roman myths as they learn about the values and beliefs of the ancient Roman Empire and consider the role that myths, gods, and storytelling held.

Alternate Unit 5

29 Lessons

The Power of Friendship: Charlotte's Web

Students explore the meaning of true friendship by reading E.B. White's classic novel Charlotte's Web, examining its themes, setting, character and language, and learning to develop empathy for others.

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