Curriculum / ELA / 2nd Grade / Alternate Unit 2: Awesome Insects / Lesson 15
Alternate Unit 2
2nd Grade
Lesson 15 of 23
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Describe an insect’s life cycle by writing an informational text that uses researched facts, images, and definitions to explain what you learned.
Book: Ladybug (Grow With Me) by Kate Briggs
Variety of nonfiction insect books
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Identify key information about insect bodies by reading with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
Identify and explain characteristics of an insect by identifying and explaining key details in a text Read Aloud.
Explain which of the following images are insects by using organizing categories to defend claims or opinions about a content-related topic.
Identify key information about insect life cycles by reading with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
Describe the key phases in a complete insect life cycle by using text features and details to describe the connection between scientific ideas.
Describe the differences between a complete and incomplete metamorphosis using text features and details to describe the connection between scientific ideas.
Explain what happens at each stage of the life cycle by using picture clues and details to sequence events.
Identify key information about ants by reading with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
Argue why an ant would or would not survive in a rainforest habitat by using organizing categories to defend claims or opinions about a content-related topic.
Describe the impact bees have on the natural world using key details from the text.
Describe a bee’s world by noticing key details in the text and using relevant vocabulary.
Determine the main purpose of a text by reading with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
Argue why a bee would or would not survive in a rainforest habitat by using organizing categories to defend claims or opinions about a content-related topic.
3 days
Explain how the author uses poetry to describe an insect.
Identify the different ways insects can be both helpful and harmful and explain one reason why by using text features and details to describe the connection between scientific concepts.
Identify the different ways insects can be both helpful and harmful, and explain one reason why by using text features and details to describe the connection between scientific concepts.
Argue why it would be a good or bad thing if all the insects in our world suddenly disappeared by using organizing categories to defend claims or opinions about a content–related topic.
5 days
Describe an insect by writing an informational text that uses researched facts, images, and definitions to explain what they learned.
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