
English Language Arts

11th Grade

11th Grade ELA Course Summary

Please Note: The Fishtank team is in the process of revising the 11th and 12th Grade ELA courses to refine the sequence of unit texts and provide deeper, more aligned support for teachers and students. The full sequences for 11th and 12th Grade ELA will be available for the 2025-26 school year.

The new 11th Grade ELA sequence centers around the theme American Dreams and Realities. Two new units for 11th Grade have been released for teachers who wish to pilot them in early 2025, and the three remaining units will be released in Summer 2025.

In 11th Grade English Language Arts, students explore the year-long topic, American Dreams and Realities. They will grapple with overarching questions:

  • How does literature reveal the values and beliefs of a nation?
  • How does American culture influence identity and the choices we make?
  • Is the American Dream a myth or reality? Is it achievable for everyone in the same way?

Building upon the knowledge and English Language Arts skills they’ve developed in previous years, students deeply engage with complex texts through both independent reading and guided Close Reading, prepare for and engage in whole class discussions including Socratic Seminars, and write multi-paragraph responses to Essential Questions by gathering evidence and effectively communicating their thoughts. Across the units, students will also deepen their writing skills through narrative, opinion, analytical, and informational writing tasks.

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11th Grade Book List

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Recommended Sequence

Unit 1

20 Lessons

Living Deliberately: Transcendentalism Then and Now

Students will analyze how the seminal works of Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau convey the central tenets of Transcendentalism, reflecting on their own relationship to those ideas and considering the legacy of Transcendentalism in contemporary poems and essays.

Unit 2

24 Lessons

The Dream that Recedes Before Us: The Past and The American Dream in The Great Gatsby

Students will examine how Fitzgerald uses diction, point-of-view, and symbolism to develop themes about class, the past, and the American dream. 

Unit 3

20 Lessons

To the Horizon and Back: Janie's Search for Identity in Their Eyes Were Watching God

Students will examine Janie's evolution on her journey of self-discovery, exploring how Hurston uses motifs to develop Janie's ideas about love and relationships, independence, and identity.

Unit 4

A Streetcar Named Desire

New unit focused on A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams

Coming Summer 2025


Coming Soon

Unit 5

There, There

New unit focused on There, There by Tommy Orange

Coming Summer 2025


Coming Soon

Historic Sequence (2016 Edition)

Alternate Unit 1

15 Lessons

The Glass Menagerie

In reading Tennessee Williams' "memory play" The Glass Menagerie, students examine thematic topics such as individual freedom, obligation, reality and escape.

Alternate Unit 1

25 Lessons

Things Fall Apart

Students read Chinua Achebe's widely acclaimed Things Fall Apart as they examine themes of identity, culture, and colonialism, analyzing the author's careful choice of words and symbolism.

Alternate Unit 2

37 Lessons

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Students study the institutional processes and popular beliefs surrounding mental health in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, as they discuss and debate the themes of power, order, and authority.

Alternate Unit 2

15 Lessons

Short Fiction: A Study of Genre

Students read multiple genres of fiction, including the absurdist The Metamorphosis and the ancient Greek tragedy Oedipus the King, with the aim of exploring the question: "What does it mean to be human?"

Alternate Unit 3

31 Lessons

Dreaming in Cuban

Christina Garcia's novel Dreaming in Cuban will offer students a vivid picture of distant and present-day Cuba, as they contemplate how our past, good or bad, makes us into who we are today.

Alternate Unit 4

30 Lessons


Students discover the novel Waiting, examining such topics as the Cultural Revolution and Confucian values as well as tensions between old and new, rural and urban, and communism and capitalism.

Alternate Unit 5

26 Lessons

The Scarlet Letter

Students read the renowned novel The Scarlet Letter, exploring and analyzing the themes of sin, compassion, and hypocrisy as they played out in seventeenth-century Puritan New England.

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