Resources for School Closure

June 01, 2020

This post is being continually updated to reflect the newest available resources.


Over the past month, things have shifted very rapidly for schools in the U.S. and internationally. Educators have adapted quickly to school closures and remote learning. Parents and caregivers are helping their children learn at home. Our goal is to support teachers and families as best we can.

This post contains links to all of our guidance and solutions for tailoring the Fishtank curriculum for remote learning. We will continue to update this page as we add new resources. 




We have provided guidance for adapting our math curriculum for remote learning, including prioritizing key Anchor Problems, best practices for creating video lessons, and suggested routines for independent work and feedback.

Our guidance for  to building math assignments that better support independent practice is here

Our guide for bringing academic discussion into the online learning experience is here.

3rd–5th Grade

Access every problem set and extra practice problem sheet from our elementary math curriculum on our worksheets pages. Teachers can see all of these resources in one place, to download PDFs to create packets or share links with families. 

6th–11th Grade

We know it may be difficult to cover new concepts during the transition to remote learning, so you may choose to use this time to review and reinforce previous topics and standards. You can search by standard to find all related lessons in our curriculum. Each daily lesson plan contains links to free resources that align to lesson objectives. Consider selecting a limited number per day to provide to students to work on at home.


English Language Arts

Kindergarten–5th Grade

If you are looking for ways to continue with knowledge-building ELA lessons during school closure, we have suggested protocols and hand-picked units for elementary teachers.

We detail one great option for supporting English learners during remote learning.  

We offer suggestions if you want to provide students and families with guidance for establishing independent reading routines during school closure. 

We offer a guide for bringing academic discussion into the online learning experience.

6th–12th Grade

We have a guide available for teacher interested in adapting our middle and high school English units for remote learning.

Units with core texts that are in the public domain and/or available online can be a good option when students might not have access to books.


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